Figma Style Guide
IA + Wireframes
Information architecture (IA) reports are detailed, unique, and insightful. The results of the IA becomes the guideline for migrating data from existing sites. The IA also becomes the blueprint for successful application of technical SEO directives. The site navigation diagram includes all pages and touch points for the user to accomplish a task on the site.
Wireframes are designed with Figma upon the current site and notes provided during initial discussions and IA reports.
Project Brief
Website for WordPress theme creators
BizBudding is based on selling WordPress themes, plugins, online tools, and digital marketing advice to customers who want to create or improve their websites. They also offer website planning and development services.
The primary goal for their first site is for customers to purchase themes and other services directly from the website. BizBudding’s brand identity is focused on being helpful and supportive. They want their customers to feel like they have everything they need to create and maintain a successful website. They also want their customers to know that they are there to help them every step of the way.